
You can place orders using the form below, by e-mail to hugh_davies@btinternet.com (Note that there is an underscore between “hugh” and “davies”), or by post.  Please check the Contacts page for full details.

When ordering please do not include descriptions or list titles; all we want are the reference numbers, neatly written and accurate,  and preferably in numerical order,  with the reference numbers without any letter prefix first, then numbers with B prefixes, then C and so on,  e.g

We stock the prints in that order, and we will be able to put your order together more quickly if you write or type out your order in that way.
Please make sure that if you are ordering prints with reference numbers having a letter suffix you do not miss these out; we can spend a lot of time trying to work out whether customers want 416A, 416B or 416C, when the order just reads 416 !

Online:       If you use on-line banking this is the quickest method.  Once the order has been received and reviewed I will send you the corresponding bank account and sort code enabling you to transfer the appropriate payment direct to my account (Hugh Davies). Please quote your full name as the reference.

By Post:     An order  placed this way should enclose a cheque made payable to Hugh Davies.   Please do not make cheques payable to Photos from the Fifties.  When we send your prints we will enclose an order form for your use if and when you decide to order any further prints.