Advice of any price changes will be updated here and will be sent to all subscribers and every effort will be made to notify all regular customers from as little as 6” x 4” – £1 each (applies to Ref. Nos. with a W prefix only)
Postcard size prints (normally available from stock)
60p each (p&p extra)
P&P Charges: £1.50 for 1 to 10 cards. £2 for 11 to 20 cards. £2.50 for 21 to 30 cards. £3 for 31 cards or more
The above post and packaging charges allow for the despatch of orders by first class post in two or more batches where all the prints are not in stock when the order form is received.
Larger size prints (made to order only)
5″ x 5″ – £4.00
5″ x 7″ – £4.50
8″ x 6″ – £5.00
8″ x 8″ – £6.00
8″ x 10″ – £7.00
A4 – £8.00
12″ x 16″ – £10.00
16″ x 20″ – £15.00
By Post
Alternatively, you can down-load an order form; or simply, for your first order, write a good, old-fashioned letter and enclose a cheque made payable to Hugh Davies. Please do not make cheques payable to Photos from the Fifties. When we send your prints we will enclose an order form for your use if and when you decide to order any further prints.
Please note that I do not have the space to accommodate visitors except strictly by appointment
5.5" x 3.5" | £0.60 |